Marriage and becoming a father are two of the most important Rites of Passage in a man’s life. Unfortunately, our society no longer recognizes them as such, nor do the elder men prepare, counsel, and train the younger men to succeed in these endeavors. Furthermore, there are desperately few elder men who are adequately equipped and possess the conviction to do so. As a result, good men and women enter marriage with false expectations and misconceptions about how to create a successful marriage.
There is hope! If you are struggling & losing faith in your marriage, don’t quit. You can learn and master the principles to be successful, end the conflicts, save your marriage and restore your family. If you are not yet married, you can prepare yourself and avoid the conflict and resentment that tears families apart.
Avoiding marriage because you are afraid of failing cheats you out of what can be the most meaningful parts of your life. The Essential Guide for the Married Man will show you the way!
To request your copy, complete the form below. $20 each for 1, $38 for 2, $18 each for 3 or more.